The Procurement Platform for the Manufacturing Industry

Now, there's something better.

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Thousands of Buyers. One Vision.

Our vision is simple: to continuously improve the way buyers find their best sourcing options.

We have designed the all-new Prollect platform to be the unrivaled marketplace for maintenance personnel, engineers, and procurement professionals.

At the touch of a button, our technology seamlessly matches you with the best suppliers, based on your unique RFQ criteria.

eMail is so yesteryear. Prollect it.

Replace manual and outdated eMails, telephone calls, and faxes with automation and efficiency.

Receive a quote for a product by brand, part number, and/or description in seconds.

Benchmark pricing and lead times with Prollect’s proprietary AUTOshop feature.

Keep enjoying your existing computer system as usual. Prollect is not a replacement or an add on.

Did the supplier even receive my request? Avoid the black hole; see viewing confirmations.

Accept an offer and send a PO in seconds. Prollect makes the “check out” process easy.

Send instant messages, view ratings, and explore vendor profiles.

Crystal clear organization makes anything easy to find; nothing gets missed

Supply a chain of refined improvement.

Advanced features for seamless efficiency

Automate. Automate. Automate.

The key to Prollect’s magic is it’s ability to automate processes that are normally manual and time-consuming. Here’s how it stacks up in a case study: